Friday 15 June 2012

Script for the prelim.

Prelim task scripting.
SUIT GUY and BOSSMAN are at the end of a corridor having a conversation about work.
SG: the QUEEN is here?
BM: yes, and you’re doing the interview.
SG: (voiceover, in thought) ohgosh, if I do this well, Ill get to interview EVERYONE famous. This could be my BIG CHANCE.
BM: (interrupts thoughts) HEY. Get down there. (points down the corridor) Don’t leave a client waiting. 
SG: on it boss. 
SUIT GUY begins to walk down the corridor as some BACK IN BLACK by ACDC begins to play. We see various shots as he approaches the door, and he opens it and enters, as the door closes behind him, the music stops and he looks confused. A shot reveals a very garishly dressed man across the room.
SG: You’re not the queen.
Q: I’m A queen. (winks and begins to cross the room)
SG: Oh but, but I thought- thought--
Q: (approaches SG and touches his neck/cheek) 
SG: (look of shock)
Q: Shutup and touch me (takes SG’s hand and puts it on his chest)
The scene closes with a close up of SG’s face looking shocked.
-fade out and credits to DUDE (LOOKS LIKE A LADY) by AEROSMITH.

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